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How To: Decline s-declension nouns in German

When speaking German, nouns using the s-declension will sometimes have two different endings (-s or -es) in the genitive declension, which does not change the meaning of the word. This lesson teaches how to appropriately apply each ending. The video also teaches you a short list of German travel words.

How To: Pronounce simple phrases in German

In this video, we learn how to pronounce simple phrases in German. To say "hello again!" in German, you will say "hallo nochmal!" in German. To say "I am" you will say "Ich bin" in German. "Ich bin Amerikaner" means "I am American" in English. "Ich bin Brite" means "I am a Briton" and "Ich bin Franzose" means "I am a Frenchman". Practice saying these and make sure you have the pronunciation right for all the different vowels and letters that are in the word. German has a very accent for the w...

How To: Use gendered nouns appropriately in German

Nouns in German have three main genders - masculine, feminine and neuter. Which gender a word is determine several other grammatical rules, so it's always important to know the correct one when speaking German. This lesson shows the difference between the three genders and how the articles and pronouns are spelled differently based on the gender of the noun.

How To: Conjugate common verbs in German

Conjugating nouns in German depends not only on tense, but also on the relationship between the subject and the object. This lesson provides a basic introduction to the methods of conjugating regular verbs in German. You are also given a short vocabulary list of food-related words in German to study.

How To: Say hello, please & thank you in German

This video teaches viewers how to say common phrases in German such as Hello, Please and Thank you! To say Hello, good day in German you would say 'Hallo, guten tag'! The portion of the phrase 'hallo' means Hello in German. Hello, Good morning in German is 'Hallo, guten morgen'. Hello, good evening means 'Hallo, guten abend' in German. 'Gute Nacht' means good night in German. If you would like to say Goodbye or See you again in some time, you would say 'Auf Wiedersehen' in German. If you know...

How To: Get a general linguistic overview of Old High German

Old High German is the forefather for contemporary German and Dutch. Polyglot Alexander Arguelles presents a series of videos to provide introductory overviews of the languages of the world. Working diachronically through various language families in turn, he demonstrates how to identify each language, translates a text sample to show how it works, and discusses its genetic affiliation and cultural context. Watch this video language tutorial and learn how to get a general linguistic overview ...

How To: Say introductory phrases in German

Watch this video to learn how to say introductory phrases in German. These films are definitely not a regular language learning course but far more a possibility to learn language through experience. The language situation scenes are supposed to complement any regular language course by providing a sort of language "street experience". Through the many repetitions it is also helpful to remember some most common phrases.

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